Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Monday, Tuesday, Socks, 16 Miles next Saturday

This week has been really productive thus far and I foresee the remainder being about the same.

On Monday, after staying up fairly late and getting about 6.5 hours of sleep, I went to work and had a healthy energy drink, so by mid day my body was feeling lethargic and kind of dehydrated until I had some water and food. I biked a few miles during the day, probably about 3, and then biked to spinning and yoga. The spinning class was really hard because I hadn’t gone to the one the week prior. Unfortunately, due to the sickness that’s been floating around, the sub called in sick (the teacher is sick and asked the sub to cover), so no yoga Monday night. I was really looking forward to it after the 10 miles of running on Saturday. Afterward I went to my friend’s house and hung out, and drank a bunch of water, had some food and then went home.

I stayed up late again Monday night and obtained about 7 hours of sleep, it was pretty good quality sleep, but definitely not enough for my active lifestyle. I woke up and began rushing around to get my stuff ready to play tennis. After the tennis, which was very difficult in the crazy wind storm that for some reason engulfed the entire bay area, luckily it was only about 25mph at this point, so the knuckling on the tennis ball was only marginally distracting and difficult. We called it after a while as the wind was picking up, we weren’t playing too well, and both of us had things to get done in the afternoon.

After getting home I decided to go on my Tuesday run, which over the last few weeks has been non-existent. On my schedule for training it states to run 50-70 minutes, which at this point isn’t a hard task, just takes up some time and energy. During the run I visited one of my friends at her work and because it was on the way, ran over to my Dad’s house and hung out there for a few minutes before running home. I had planned to run an hour, but with the increased distance it became a solid 72 or so minutes. After eating, showering and getting ready I went over to work at the golf course. It was absolutely crazy. The wind was getting up around 40-50mph and blowing over trees, large branches and basically endangering those that were intelligent enough to be playing in such conditions. The golf course actually closed early because it was pretty much worthless to be playing, and was basically a hazard waiting to happen.

Last night after getting home, eating, showering and talking with some people I fell asleep and had an excellent nights sleep. I slept about 9.5 hours and felt energized for my day. I’ve biked 3 miles so far, and will do another 3.5-7 tonight. My bike riding today will be my cross training. My left calf has been really tight, so I will stretch it out later tonight.

I’m gearing up for this weekend’s run of 16 miles. It will be my furthest to date and am really excited to increase my mileage closer to the marathon length. I just bought some running socks so that my feet thank me on these long runs, preventing rubbing, blisters, and other ailments associated with cotton socks. Apparently to runners, “cotton is rotten.” I only have a few instances where that holds true, but I don’t intend on learning the hard way as training difficulty increases.

That’s all for now, I’ll update you after the Thursday training session. Hopefully by then the wind will have subsided and the warmth will ensue.


For those that haven’t heard, I am hosting a fundraising concert on Thursday April 30 at Blue Chalk CafĂ©. Whiskey Hill will be performing and there will be prizes, raffle and such going on. It should be pretty cool and I hope for a pretty large turn out. The cover is $10, which includes a free drink and a raffle ticket. Plus they have shuffleboard which is a pretty awesome game, not many places have it. I’ll send out more information as the event approaches.

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