Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feb 26 Feeling pretty rested

Sorry about missing the last 2 days, I’ve been a mix between really busy and taking days off. It occurred to me that I should take some time off from training or else my body is just going to shut down. I’m still keeping up the diet, but just giving myself yesterday and today off from any kind of strenuous training. Today I’ll do core and bike around to various activities.

I’ve also been adding a lot more food to my diet, because frankly, I wasn’t getting enough. I found that sustaining concentration for the entire day became quite difficult. Also, it’s really hard to eat too many calories during a day, when my diet consists of oatmeal, fruit, vegetables, brown rice and legumes, so I may begin adding more fish and tofu to the diet. I’ve eaten a lot more the last 3 days and already feel a huge difference.

On Tuesday I buckled from part of my goals and had a shot of Jaeger. I didn’t feel too bad as it was Fat Tuesday (holds no significant meaning to me) and haven’t drank in over a month. The alcohol didn’t feel right in my stomach, which might be because my body isn’t used to it anymore, or because it’s Jaeger. This will be one of 2 times that I fail to follow the alcohol rule. The other being my birthday, which happens to fall on a worldwide drinking holiday, St Patrick’s Day. Do you think St Patrick would be ecstatic that his day is associated with ridiculous amount of binge drinking? Though I guess lots of people end up at church as a result of it.

Last night I began helping one of my friends with training. I love her motivation and dedication toward reaching the goals. I can almost guarantee success with those 2 words, but only when they are true, and not just a two week health phase.

I understand why people are looking for the quick fix, but seriously, how many times must it be stated that quick fixes don’t work. The best way to become healthy is to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Once you begin enjoying exercising and how good food makes you feel, you’ll stick to it. It’s fine to diverge for short periods of time if you’re getting burnt out, just remember that you should go back soon, because it doesn’t take long to forget the amazing feeling.

Start slow, keep at it, and have goals. If you’re trying to lose 5 pounds, it should take at least a month of good nutrition and exercise to be able to keep that off. Most of the beginning weight is water, and will come back quicker than you think, plus it will discourage you and prevent future lifestyle changes. By having and sticking to long term results you can ensure that the get fit quickly isn’t on your mind, and after a few months it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll feel better. Less weight and increased muscle is synonymous with more energy, endurance, healthier heart, increased weight loss, and more efficient metabolism.

I think of diet and exercise together. When I used to eat bad foods or drink, I would go out and work them off to reach equilibrium. Believe me, running sprints after a night of vodka, will make you quit drinking, or exercising.

The other day on a different site I went on a rant about exercise and nutrition and healthcare. I am going to post it on the blog right before this one, under the title “Health Rant.”

That’s all for today, I’ll be back on the workout grind Saturday, as I might take tomorrow off, making sure my body is fully rested before another long run. Keep in mind that when I say taking time off I’m not including the miles of biking that occurs as a result of my daily schedule. Today I’m biking to Mountain View and back to Menlo Park. Work exercise into your daily routine. Walk to a store and get groceries, or go on a walk with a loved one, it’s great to get out even if it’s raining, just bring an umbrella.

Have a great day,

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