Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good Sleep is your Greatest Ally

February 9, 2009

Sorry for missing yesterday’s journal. I couldn’t think of much to write about and used it as a complete day off. Maybe just lazy, the rest of this journal should explain it.

Today’s topic is sleep and how vital it is to our health.

Saturday and Sunday I found myself lying on the couch, exhausted. Saturday can be explained from running 6 miles and then other activities that simply drained me of my livelihood. This led to lying on the couch, watching tv, and taking short naps until 2:30, going to sleep and then waking up around 8. As a result Sunday I was tired when I woke up and had a few things to accomplish and after they were accomplished, I was back on the couch doing the same thing as Saturday until 12:30. I woke up at 6:45 this morning and was definitely not fully awake. I had some English breakfast tea and went to work at 9:30, after completing roughly half of what I had listed to finish before work. By sleep calculations I should have been well rested because I had been resting from about 7pm until around 7-8, but I certainly did not feel it.

The quality of sleep drastically declined over the last 2 days and as a result, I will be following a strict, no falling asleep on the couch lifestyle change. After 2 straight days of resting and getting horrible nights sleep my body has not been enthusiastic about the morning, which is usually the time of day that I most look forward to.

I’ve noticed that the nights I go to sleep after working out and have not rested are the mornings that I wake up and can tackle the world. I am able to instantly get things done without caffeine and feel invincible and concentrated for at least the first half of the day. I have a natural drop off around 2-3, but considering waking at ~7, this is pretty satisfying.

Usually on the good quality sleep days my mood is better, appetite is sustained, concentration is maxed out, will power is greatest, and have the motivation to tackle various projects will great efficiency. On days like today, my mind is racing trying to accomplish a few tasks but having difficulty. My awareness is lower, and my will power is a fraction of usual, though I will be heading to spinning and yoga later, so hopefully that will help my sleep tonight and get me back on track tomorrow.

Another possibility for my lack of energy is the refined food I ate last night and this morning. My brother makes an incredible sourdough, and it tempts me. In other news I have succeeded in consuming oatmeal and a salad everyday for the last 2+ weeks. And I think the vegan diet is coming along. I feel as though my body is functioning more efficiently and as a result wants to continue the vegan diet.

Sometime in the next week I will be setting up a blogging site with these journals, and also making my diet and exercise patterns available for public view. They may include the following: food consumption, calorie expenditure from exercise and daily activities, weight, and hours of quality sleep, though I can’t promise that it will be daily, or that all of that info will be included. I don’t think that bad sleep should count towards the night’s total.

As I don’t feel too marvelous today, I’m going to leave it at this.

Here are some ways to get good sleep:
• Stay hydrated
• Eat a couple hours before bed, so that you’re body has fully digested everything
• Exercise a few hours before going to bed
• Include good healthy food in your diet
• Lie in bed when you want to sleep, try to avoid reading or other relaxing activities in bed
• Keep naps to a minimum, or at least keep them early.(try power naps)
• Only watch tv for a little while, if at all
• Give yourself 6-9 hours to sleep, not including the time it takes to get to sleep
• Try to avoid caffeine after around 2pm
• Don’t lie awake worrying or stressing over things, in the morning if it’s still an issue you can resume.

Have some good sleep tonight and forever.


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