Thursday, February 26, 2009

Health Rant

If you don't know that exercise is beneficial for your health, shame on you.

Our bodies have evolutionarily been trained to associate our physicality with our level of health. If you become sedentary, your body thinks it’s sick or dying. If you're active, it thinks that you're on the hunt for food and remains healthy. And will rebuild itself accordingly, essentially you evolve or decay. I prefer to evolve.

After you do any kind of physical activity (hungover or not) your body is flooded with endorphins which are essentially pleasure. The body appreciates being used, and tends to hang around a lot longer if daily exercise is included in the routine. Once the next growth cycle occurs, it will rebuild itself more efficiently.

Start exercising and your metabolism will restart, you'll feel incredible, people will notice, and your self esteem will skyrocket. Don't, and you'll join the millions of people who are depressed due to their bodies thinking they are sick and dying.

It seems obvious to me what needs to happen in order to combat sedentary living, depression, obesity, etc.

But that's only half the equation.

Nutrition is the other half.

Think of it this way, if you exercise everyday, but eat junk, you'll be around the middle of society in terms of fitness, but you don't have the necessary nutrients. If you do the opposite, you'll still be around the middle, but you will be physically less able than the majority, but getting all your nutrients. If you suck at doing both, you're just a drain on society and will be taking up our already too expensive health care costs. People who don’t care are a burden on the entire country and world (we could be helping save people instead of helping peoples’ failure to take care of their own health).

However, if you exercise and eat nutritiously, you are the beacon of hope for our struggling society. I don't believe that people who take care of themselves should be required to pay for the lack of insight of those who obtain fully preventable degenerative diseases.

I am tired of excuses, bitching and moaning, diet crazes, quick fixes, and ignorance. Everybody needs to take some time everyday to learn about what to do with their life to optimize health and keep money away from unnecessary spending on obesity related ailments. When you're done exercising eat something that resembles a natural meal you could find on a morning stroll, not a bunch of corn resembling a hamburger. Be educated about yourself and food that turns into you.

Our tax money shouldn't be spent on those who don't care. I bet we could have universal health care if the system were restructured and didn't give so much to those who are the biggest drain. Make them pay for their own issues, let me have free or cheap hospital visits.

To sum this up, eat well, exercise often and your body and mind will function at full capacity and you will notice drastic changes.

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