Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th, yesterday's and tomorrow's runs, and biking thoughts.

Today was a rest day for the running program. Instead of doing nothing I decided to work out. I’ve been lifting for the last week and it feels incredible. I used to be a weight room junkie in high school, so it’s all coming back to me.

I worked out my back and biceps today, as I did my chest and triceps on Wednesday, and the importance of rest cannot be stressed enough. One interesting piece of knowledge I have picked up is that if runners work out their shoulders it helps for long runs. I used to notice that running long distances would put an annoying fatigue on my shoulder muscles, but since I began increasing muscle tone in that area it has gone away.

Last night for the track workout we did a pacing drill which was actually pretty fun. We started by running 1 lap, with the condition that every lap should be run at the same pace. Here is my breakdown for the laps
1 lap: 1:49
2 laps: 3:40
3 laps: 5:35
2 laps: 3:47
1 lap: 1:47

All of my laps were approximately +-5 seconds of my original first lap. I’m happy with these results as I have never really tried to pace myself. Those times will definitely not be for an entire marathon, and the end of each interval I was slightly tired, but regained my energy for the next interval fairly quickly.

Tomorrow I will run about 8 miles in the morning, I’m trying to think of what I want to do, maybe run the dish 2 times, or go find a good trail nearby.

Tonight I was in complete awe of something that I was brought to my attention. A friend told me that he has ridden over 150,000 miles on his bike over the last 40 or so years. He is in incredible shape, and I can only assume that his dedication to biking is a large contributing factor.

I hope to bike at least 2,000 miles per year for the rest of my life. It has dawned on me that bicycling is the greatest way to incorporate an incredible exercise, transportation and enjoy the ever-changing scenery all in once.

One additional thought that correlates with my biking patterns, liking to stay safe, and the annoyance of motorists and their feelings of being the sole owner of the road, I think the government should allocate specific roads for ONLY bikes. There are bike lanes, but biking down a road at night with possibly drunk drivers is not a settling feeling, or on the same path as a car that could easily be driving 35-45 mph in a 25 zone. Some days I feel like just biking down the center of the lane and seeing if somebody would actually hit me, I don’t do it because I certainly don’t believe that everybody deserves a driver’s license, and because I like my body functioning as is.

It would be really nice if there were a real push towards living without cars, or at least limiting the usage of cars. More exercise for all, less road rage, more practicality, smarter shopping, greener world, lots of money to be spent on alternatives, less government expenditure on roads, less death,

That’s enough of a tangent for tonight. It should be fun running about 8 miles tomorrow, exhausting, but short compared to recent runs. I think I’ll run the dish 2 times, if anybody would like to join me I’ll be over there around 9. Though I doubt many people will read this tonight or before tomorrow morning, but if you’re up for a really good run you should head over there in the morning. I’m going to bike over there, so if you’re up pretty early, some company would be nice.

Have a great weekend,

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