Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The last few days

Before my run on Saturday I had a GU packet, which is basically a very strange textured packet of who knows what for energy. I nearly threw up from the texture, but it gave me some energy to progress with full efficiency. During the run I also ate a couple of times and it seemed to keep me going. We were eating pretzels and some caffeinated sugary snacks. I will start incorporating those into my regular regimen for the future long runs.

Yesterday consisted of a few miles of bike riding and then the spinning class at night. I didn’t feel too great going into the class, and attribute it to dehydration. After the spinning class I decided against doing the yoga because my mind just wasn’t right for it. I drank a bunch of water and just relaxed for the remainder of the night.

The spinning class was a little more fun. I had 4 friends in there with me. 2 of them were off to the side and talked to each other, and 2 were near me. It is much easier to workout with like-minded individuals. The instructor catered the workout towards our running goals by doing an endurance workout that was quite hard, but seemed to conclude quicker than the others. I finished exhausted as usual, and went over to Whole Foods and helped me friend pick out some healthy food.

I finished up the day watching the World Baseball Classic Championship between Japan and Korea. It was an incredible game and included exceptional pitching, situational batting, a come back, extra innings, suspense, and clutch hitting. Japan won in the 10th inning.

I got to bed around 12pm and woke up at 8 this morning. I’m not sure if I’m going to exercise today, other than a few miles of biking. My body feels incredible, but I think that after the spinning class I need to give myself some extra time to recover, because it is a really intense hour long workout. Maybe I’ll do something later this afternoon.

I failed pretty miserably last night at having a good meal, 2 cupcakes, some cake, chips and an orange for dinner. It was really good and I enjoyed it, but, wow, it just kind of happened. I really hope that was a one time thing, as this morning I don’t have quite the same energy level as normal.

Instead of continuing the trend and having some more unhealthy food I got back on track and have eaten this today:

My usual oatmeal, bran, and additive cereal for breakfast and for lunch I just prepared a really good pasta dish. Some diced tomatoes, onion, garlic, whole wheat pasta, and tofu. It’s quite good. Instead of eating the entire thing, I decided to save half. I am still learning to control my appetite. I’ll keep people updated on my progress.


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