Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Offday today, productivity tomorrow

Today will be considered an off day. I was going to do my 60 minute run, but walked around for around 3 hours instead, seeing old friends and parents while distributing some fund raising fliers. I think the long run this weekend and the spinning class last night caught up with me. The legs aren’t sore but my motivation was down today, and when it doesn’t feel right, I trust my instinct and take it easy. After the walk I took an hour long nap, and then almost decided to work out, but still didn’t feel quite right, so I lounged around and watched Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Today was just one of those days. It seems that days in which I am really busy with other activities are the days that are most productive with my extra time. Maybe it’s because of squeezing every bit of time, and being efficient, so that relaxation can be enjoyed at the end.

In any case, I’ll be back on the grind tomorrow, biking at least 7 miles, and doing a workout for an hour, definitely devoting some time to the core. The core has become a routine that is very enjoyable because my muscles have developed enough to the point where they want to be improved. I’ve stated before, without a properly trained core, endurance athletics are impossible.

Another thing that has been lacking in my diet is water. I get enough to be marginally hydrated, but for the amount of activity, I don’t think it’s enough. I want to drink more, but I’m also afraid of over-hydrating and diluting my sodium levels.

I think what has really boosted my performance during these last few weeks has been the nutritional products by Usana. I have been drinking a shake before each of the long runs, and the bars almost everyday after workouts or as snacks. I take the pills (vitamins, minerals, calcium, fish oil, grape seed extract) everyday and they are great for recovery. I’ll add the shake or fiber mixture to my cereal in the morning and being low glycemic it helps keep my hunger at bay for a few hours. Some have said I am a walking billboard, but it’s only because I believe they work and want others to try them. If it works for a marathon, it works for everyday activity.

I’d love to hear how people keep themselves motivated or dedicated towards specific goals. There are the obvious long term benefits of obtaining one’s goal, but what are the secrets to your everyday success?

I hope everybody is able to get out and enjoy these first days of Spring.

Take care and have a great day,

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