Monday, March 9, 2009

The rest of the weekend, spinning, yoga, biking, the garden

It’s been a few days since the last journal, sorry for keeping you in suspense.

After I wrote the journal on Saturday (the 10 miles) I coached the little league game and then promptly fell asleep on the couch until 1am, then not being fully rested, slept until 8am (7am with daylight savings). In total I slept from 6 or 7pm until 7am, with a gap of consciousness from 1-2.

On Sunday I woke up and was eating breakfast when I turned on the tv, forgetting about daylights savings I noticed that it was a little after 9 and I had work at 10. It took a second to register, but I finished my meal in peace and got ready.

I biked to work, hung out there for a few hours and then sped over to the little league field for our Sunday practice. It’s a little over 3 miles, and I timed myself, arriving in 13 minutes. It’s really easy to reach faster speeds on well paved roads and lower chances of being struck by vehicles is quite a peaceful feeling, and well, not stopping at everything, just slowing.

At work I was talking to a friend about how I didn’t have a car. In the last few months I have begun loving not having one. No payments, maintenance, traffic, parking, road rage, it is a bit harder to transport oneself or others and objects, but that’s what friends are for. Just buy them lunch or something. There’s a pretty good book my brother bought a while ago called “How to live well without a car.” I highly suggest reading it if you’ve ever thought about cutting back on the amount of driving.

The rest of the night was spent with family, eating a really good salad with lettuce, peppers, artichoke heart, feta, ahi tuna, mushrooms, cucumber, avocado, tomato, and some dressing. After that I had some chips and salsa (healthy brown rice chips) and some whole wheat bread. I got home pretty late and then went to sleep.

Today was about the same as most Mondays except I went to Ace hardware and picked up a circular saw, which is so much fun. I used that to work on some raised beds, I made 2 this afternoon, the garden is going to be awesome. We have 5 raised beds completed now, and maybe one or two to come. I highly suggest growing food, it’s a really good way to spend a few minutes each day, it’s like a pet, you nurture it, and it rewards you, except less expensive and no poop duty.

In about 10 minutes I’ll be heading off to spinning class and yoga for the 5th time. I’m pretty excited, though my legs are still sore from the long run Saturday. It should be a good time. I just had a shake with 2 scoops of protein powder and 1 scoop of fiber powder. It should keep me full until well after the spinning.

Anyway, I may have an update later tonight, but I’ll probably be too tired to do anything productive.

Have a great rest of the night or morning,

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