Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Is Upon Us

Last night I went to sleep absolutely exhausted and slept through the entire night. Often times I awake from slight sounds or just from simply not requiring an entire night’s sleep, falling back to sleep, but not at high quality. On those days, I awake refreshed, but know it could have been better had I been tired upon entering the sleeping realm. Last night was an interesting dream, we were celebrating New Years Eve and I was barely drinking. I suppose I have engrained in my thoughts my refusal of drinking alcohol enough that even in my dreams I obey these thoughts. I feel incredible having not drunk in the last 2 months, other than 1 shot that made my stomach turn, which further engrained the self imposed command.

I will be having a few drinks on St Patrick’s Day, but don’t really want too many, because I know that anything will hinder my training performance. I’m limiting my consumption to 4-5 drinks, sorry to anyone that wants to buy birthday drinks, I am willing to accept rain checks upon marathon completion.

I woke up early again today and am really starting to enjoy it. Hopefully I can keep it up for well, the rest of my life. It’s also important that I continue because the marathon will begin at 6:30 AM. Meaning I need to either wake up before and eat some food, or go to sleep with a full stomach, and have less than optimal sleep. And of course be ready for the 26.2 miles at hand.

For anybody that has recently joined my journey towards the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon, I am running my first marathon, and fundraising for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It’s really fulfilling to have a good cause to support, and makes my hard work even more worthwhile. Team in Training has done an excellent job in the training program, though I would suggest they do more for nutrition standards and recommendations. I am currently in the best shape of my life due to drastic lifestyle changes and an incentive to finish the race happily, and enjoy the rest of the day’s festivities. I am sticking to my own health standards, varying only slightly and for brief moments, which is the trick, making huge changes, but not eliminating everything, otherwise cravings ensue and questioning occurs.

During my quest for marathon immortality I have really taken a liking toward helping people change their lives towards a healthier body and mind. I have lots of support from family and friends and anybody that I mention the event. If anybody wants to become healthier I am very open to helping. It’s not necessary to adopt the same standards that I have taken on, as some of them are just ridiculous and take some serious will power to maintain. But if you’re willing to make some changes, better health is only a few small steps away.

There are a couple things I have missed during this training regimen:

Being out with friends socializing and drinking into the wee hours. However as a result of not doing it I have recognized the amount of money spent on alcohol, poor quality of sleep, lethargy the next day, and there are simply better and more productive things to be involved within.

Another is indulging in foods that I know are not entirely necessary, or fully nutritious. It’s alright in small doses, but I have learned through books and first hand experience how good nutrition fuels the body properly, and aids in greater energy and concentration levels. Plus I am saving so much money not eating out, and knowing what is in my food is a great feeling.

Sitting around doing nothing is another thing I used to miss, but now that I am really productive in a wide variety of activities I can’t imagine a sedentary lifestyle. I don’t really watch tv, only recorded shows without commercials, and even these are only done at the end of the night, though I often don’t because it is time that sleep could be useful for my next productive day.

I don’t have much else to say except that looking outside my window I know that Spring is really upon us.

We planted a Peach tree about 3 years ago and it has begun growing leaves and there are a number of flowers opening up. As I’m writing this an olive colored bird perched on one of the Peach tree branches for a few moments until a Blue Jay swooped down and scared it away.

Before work I think I’ll make another raised bed. The weather is supposed to be incredible the next week and I plan to spend a good amount of time working on the garden so that we really have a great harvest this year.

Take care, thanks for reading,

If anybody is willing to donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and support my marathon effort, here is my fundraising website:

My daily diet can be found online at this website:

1 comment:

  1. Megan says your diet sounds like a rabbit. Ha! I wanted to grow a garden this year, but my yard in the house I'm buying isn't big enough for 4 dogs and the garden.
