Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This week thus far and a health offer.

March 4, 2009

It’s been a few days, here’s the updates.

Monday’s yoga and spinning were awesome, it really does get a lot easier with experience. The combination can’t be beaten. A hardcore cardio workout for an hour, leaving a completely soaked shirt, and then a meditative yogic stretch right afterwards for 75 minutes. I highly suggest it to anybody that has the opportunity even if you can only do one of them, go do it, each workout is amazing on its own.

Tuesday I took it easy because my legs were still sore from the run, and then accumulated soreness from the spinning workout. I went out to eat sushi at night with some family, which was nice, but really expensive. I had somewhat of an epiphany where I decided that I should be more productive, or at least more efficient. My biggest problem is getting started, if I know it needs to get done, no problem. I suppose I have a knack for procrastination. From now on I have a list of things that need to get done during the day, and anything left over needs to be finished before doing anything the next day. I made a list of everything to accomplish today with timing and everything. I've done pretty well thus far, substituting various activities.

Here's my day today:
Biked to Reach at 8:10, did yoga from 8:20-9:20, then worked until 1. Biked back home and ate lunch, and completed some other listed activities. I decided against working out in the afternoon because the yoga acted as my cross training for the day, and overworking my body is what led to becoming burnt out. I biked back to reach and taught my friend some exercises, everything is coming along and she should be feeling the results the next morning and beyond.

I’m going to keep these shorter so that there’s more of a readership. I’ve heard that some of the old journals were a bit long and I can understand that, being 2-3 pages single spaced with general margins. I could barely write this much during college, but lets just say that health is a lot more interesting than other people’s money or the accumulation of money (finance), though some would argue that point.

I have been using products by a company called Usana for the last 3+ months. I became aware of it from a friend and his family. They are really helping during my marathon training and there are a wide variety of products, aiding in various aspects of health. After workout snacks/recovery, daily vitamins, weight loss, healthy energy drinks, even skin care. They are dedicated to providing the best possible nutritional standards to their products and I believe it. If you’re interested in learning more let me know, I’d be happy to share any knowledge with you.

I posted an article about a Japanese doctor, aged 97 who is still actively practicing medicine. It can be found as the blog right before this one. It's a good read.

One more thing, if anybody is interested in getting back into optimal health I’m working on a plan to help change peoples’ lifestyles and am looking for some help. I would love to see if this really works for other people, it's been going pretty well for me thus far. I’ll reiterate that I am in the best shape of my entire life physically and mentally. If you haven’t felt your best in the last 1, 2, 5, 10, or longer years you should talk to me, I think I can actually change your life, make you feel and look healthier, and save you some money (seems like it’s worth a shot).

Email me if you’re interested.

One thing, make sure you’re willing to make some sacrifices, not too many, are willing to save some money, dedicated to a few month program, and can follow directions with about 75% rate. I don’t expect people to adopt my plan fully, but even 75% would provide awesome results. This is the perfect Spring growth period to have that beach body they advertise on television.

That’s all for tonight, here’s my email

Take care, keep it real and most importantly, eat some oatmeal. Not really that important, but it can be really good if you make it taste good, and it lowers cholesterol. I have a new breakfast. I'll expand on it in tomorrow's journal.


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